Okay - I come to ask assistance from the geeks.
I have a hpzt1155 notebook with a spot for a wireless card - and I just so happen to have a card!!! I also have a place on my campus where I work and can get wireless.
The other day I was sitting, with the comp, and an inquiring idiot wanted to know what type of card I used and pulled it out while I was on and using it. I poped it back in immedietly but now cant for the life of me get IE to run the registration page so I can log back on.
It is like ...the internet is there....and the card is working properly (I checked) - but the two are not talking through the school server somehow.
I had two friends do something or other to it in DOS. I couldnt tell you cause I dont know DOS. They said they didn't know what was going on.
So - it is not earth shattering - the laptop just doesnt go to work then - but it is irksome. Anyone know what could have happened?