Originally Posted by j8ear
I knew that would follow. Some how killing someone is NOT DOING harm. How freakishly absurd. Compassionate and reasonable pain medication (also feverishly under assault by Ashcroft, under the guise of the 'war on drugs') is the answer here, sir. Plain and simple. NOT KILLING someone. Ever.
Of course your correct about the 'the right to die,' being ludicrous in it's connotation, that an alternative exists
'Right to die' is the PC moniker peddled by the movement, however, not mine.
less then contributory comment removed.
I'm not sure why you call my view freakishly absurd. Some people would choose to exit this life of sound mind, fully in control of their faculties and being able to decide at what moment they may die. You would deny them this because it might mean they die sooner? To disagree is freakishly absurd? Why? It is an argument of quality of life over quantity. Those who argue in favor of euthanasia are not fringe PC faithful out of touch with mainstream America. They are often patients suffering from terminal illness and their loved ones. I do not bevieve it is freakishly absurd to argue that the quality of one's life should take precedence over quantity.
We may be arguing this point from different standpoints. Philosophically, who decides when a person dies? The state? The individual? God, for those who believe?
As far as the hippocratic oath is concerned, the ancient version is the one to which you refer.
Here is a take on the oath and how it applies today. As you read, you find that there are a variety of modern oaths, only 14% of which forbid euthanasia. The ancient version also deals with doctors having sexual relations with slaves. This is given as an example of how the ancient version is not entirely in line with modern society.
Concerning your comments regarding access to medication, I agree with you. Patients and doctors need to be allowed access to all possible treatments. If they were, there would undoubtedly be far fewer patients willing to choose assisted suicide as an end to their suffering. However, I do not believe that the government should be the body that decides when a person dies. I don't trust them enough with that decision. The only ones who should get to decide that are me and nature.