I think they must of lowered prices then. My last 15 or so dvds have averaged about 12.50 per. One of the ways they currently 'get ya' are on pre-orders. For usualy 22 dollars, you can preorder a movie. Why anyone would do this is beyond me. A good example of the current pricing might be:
Shrek 2
List $29.99 Reg $21.95
Sale $13.17
The list price is a number they completely make up I think, the Regular price applies if it's the one most expensive dvd in your order, and the sale price applies to all dvd's after the first. Free shipping too. The cheapest stuff worth having is probably 3/$25, and in that section there are definate gems ala Ghost Dog.
" ' Big Mouth.
Remember it took three of you to kill me.
A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' "