I think you've had a lot of good advice here.
Something else.. instead of porno, which she seems to dislike... why not try erotic books? Women tend to get off with their minds. If you can light up her fantasies and get her mind going, the sex drive might kick in.
I think talking to her is the single most important thing you can do. Is she willing to try and increase her sex drive? If she is, then you're on the right path. If she isn't, you've got a difficult problem to deal with.
Self esteem is hard, but you can help her a lot in that department. Tell her how sexy she is, tell her what you love about her... tell her that she looks good.. tell her how much you love her eyes.. her ass.. her lips...
And work hard not to put pressure on her. If you try to get sex everytime you compliment her, it's not going to work.
If it's the pill, she can definitely get help from the doctor with that one.
And, like someone else mentioned, if she's under thirty, and she hasn't hit her peak yet, you may have some really awesome times ahead.
Then of course, look into the orgasms. If she isn't having orgasms, or not having them enough, sex becomes like work with no pay.
Maybe you need to set up some nights where you promise just to focus on her, no strings attached.. and give her a nice massage.. a candle lit bath maybe... some butterfly kisses down her back etc.. then an erotic massage with oil