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Old 11-08-2004, 07:37 PM   #11 (permalink)
I can see both sides of this. On the consumer side obviously enough in this day and age people are trying to extend their dollar and you can't blame them. Not everybody has the money to afford an apartment in Trump Towers of all places. However they ARE a business and businesses in today's America are out to bend you over without lube. Everybody knows this and that's why the confrontational little games between consumer and companies have been getting worse and worse. If they are trying to increase their profits in the face of the king of all cheap discounts(aka Wal-mart) I don't much blame them. Because let's face it if they don't do SOMETHING Wal-mart is going to eat their lunch and the internet is going to eat their supper and dessert. Most true techies don't buy at mass retailers they have their own little favorites be they online or be they stores like Fry's which are cheaper and have tons of everything.

As for me...I don't buy much at Best Buy as it is so I don't think it will matter much to me. I really can't afford the flashy plasma TVs, I don't have a need for any appliances(if I did I'd likely buy at Sears over Best Buy to begin with). I buy my computer hardware online or from Fry's so there isn't a day in hell I'd buy a mobo or video card from a place that has more shelf space dedicated to toner than major computer hardware. Music I usually buy from the used CD stores because frankly I rarely buy stuff the DAY it comes out and the used CD places have the new stuff within a month anyway. Movies eh I'll probably buy from one of their subsidaries like Suncoast. So in the end the only think I would be buying from those folks would be video games and even then they would have some heavy competition from places like Gamestop considering I know the guys at the Gamestop and would trust their word on whether or not a game sucked or not compared to some chuckle head at BestBuy trying to peg me as a Buzz and sell me stuff I didn't come in for.

I think this likely will backfire on them though which is unfortunate but at least they went down swinging.
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