If you're not of the mindset to be able to understand I dont think there is much anyone can say that will help.
People are wired differently...there is nothing to say that when you're 35 it wont suddenly click with you...but it might never. You might be one of those people that lives their entire lives with the belief you have now.
There is nothing to say thats right or wrong....if its right for you then thats all that matters. As long as you understand that not everyone in the world is wired the same way and you dont belittle them for their differences then you'll be good to go.
Sex means many things to many people...its about love for some...its a physical need for others....at our core we are animals...and sooner or later animalistic tendancies are going to surfuce.
I have no problem with the way you think...the only way I'd have a problem is if you didnt take your outlook on homosexuals and apply it to all things concerning sex...it might not be for you but it works for others.
There is nothing wrong with having sex for the fun of it...there is nothing wrong with having sex only with someone you love, its only wrong if its not right for YOU.