Originally Posted by MovieNut
...Silly studio is killing the show. How long will it be before they screw up Law and Order?
Have you seen the Farina episodes? I've only managed to watch a few as they are so unbelievably hard to sit through. Though to be honest, I really only watched because I enjoy Orbach and Watterson, now with half of that tandem gone....well.
Oops, we were talking about the West Wing, weren't we?
I don't know. It seems like CJ would be the odd choice, but I've never really liked Josh all that much and Toby would be a horrible choice.
I think this new season is decidedly better than last season. However, last season was a complete disaster, so, really anything better would be a step up. I'll give it a few more episodes before I pass judgement.
Ask Sorkin and Schlamme back and at least the writing would be better. If they wanted to make my day, they'd ask Rob Lowe to come back as well. After all, Dr. Vegas is cancelled, no?