I was on accutane for a while and it was working well, but I never finished my dosage. It led to massively dry lips, which doesn't sound too bad, but it was. I would wake up every morning with lips so cracked at the corners you could easily see the red of blood underneath them. No matter how much chapstick or whatnot, it stayed the same. Made it painful to move my mouth at all. I never had any other side effects, but the dry lips just made it too much for me to keep taking the remainder of my prescription. Its still in a drawer somewhere today.
It still did a ton to clear up my acne, though since I never finished it, it never hit its full potential. I still have regular acne, some bad ones, but not like it was before. I do have a little bit of scarring if you look closely on my skin from it. But to be honest, I don't even notice it half the time any more. Its just a natural part of my face if any show up, because after years (many of which when it was much much worse), I just kind of tune it out.
All in all, after the other stuff was exhaused (Retin A worked alright, but just wasn't doing enough in the long run), I'd say recommend for people to take accutane and see what it does for you. I know my reaction was on the extreme end so people should just pay attention to what it does for them in specific.
Oh yeah, and take the whole prescription, it'd be worth it if I had just toughed it out and finished it up and not still be dealing with it (though in a somewhat reduced form) now years later.
...And then I found $5!