Originally Posted by la petite moi
I must add that she's always been very self-centred and forceful to people; however, with cancer, she's just gotten even worse and she can't even hold back her AWFUL language.
It sounds like she wasn't all that stable to begin with, though, right?
Here's the deal: she's had a very serious health scare, and to her, it looks like she's all alone in a world that she has to navigate all by herself. I know that's not the reality of it, but it's how things look to her. At some point in her treatment, she said to herself, "Nobody's here to support me." Maybe even, "They've forgotten all about me and they don't care." And now that's the Truth for her.
Her response to that is to get in everybody's face and be as obnoxious as possible, so she can be sure you don't forget about her. She's causing as much trouble as she can, because it's the only way she can see to be with any of you at all.
It's not healthy. But understanding where she's coming from can bring you and your family a measure of peace.
She needs treatment for the OCD (assuming that was a for-real diagnosis and not a self-diagnosis or daughter-diagnosis

). That's probably behind a lot of this. If she's physically incapacitated and unable to perform the self-regulating acts that OCD sufferers are obligated by their condition to perform, it's going to have a HIGHLY stressful affect on her.