So I've been sitting here (slightly buzzed) browsing the TFP for a bit and I was in the Tilted portraits section and I was just browsing the massive thread
here and realized how diverse the community is here. Sadly, physical appearence still seems to matter in our society more than who you really are on the inside, but here the playing field seems rather leveled. Not to quote cliche's but the whole "birds of a feather flock together" thing holds, people who dress and body decorate (piercings etc) often seem to do similar to their respective groups of friends. Not that this is a bad thing, as it generally signifies that they share the same interests, however here, we all seem to get along fine, and theres people from a plethora of...I don't even know what to call it? I don't want to say cliques, but I don't know, maybe social groups. It makes me proud to be a member and I just wanted to share my appreciation for what the TFP has done.
It may not be THE utopia, but it's pretty damn close.