FoolThemAll, I'm not invoking moral relativism (but I do happen to believe, as you appear to, that it's true), and I'm not arguing for or against restricting or banning abortion - what I am trying to point out is that it is an issue to be dealt with compassion, and attempts at rationally determining the value of one life over another, in an attempt to deem who should survive and who should die in order to suit some moral code appear to lack that compassion.
But I guess I've right-and-wronged my way out of the argument already now haven't I?
Let me try and re-phrase my point:
No matter what decision anyone takes, it's going to be a horrible, terrible, difficult decision to make, and the results are going to be long, and far reaching. Trying to further compound the issue by imposing a tag of right or wrong really isn't going to help anyone. Further, it will make the decision harder, more painfull and more difficult to make. It appears to me to serve no purpose other than to inflict pain on already stricken individuals.