So in the depressed fog I was in Wednesday morning, I got to thinking about the possibility of a west-coast secession from the Union.
I think it would be really interesting to see the discussion provoked if a measure got on the ballot of a state to secede - I don't think it would ever pass, not yet anyway, but it would certainly strike some sparks.
For one thing, if, say, California were to attempt to secede, the rest of the US couldn't allow it. A civil war would be less costly to the US than losing California.
However, what if Maine, or some other small border state decided to secede? People wouldn't support a civil war, but neither would the government let the state go. Is there some sort of legal action the federal government could take? Would they just demand repayment of all federal money invested in the state, refuse to recognize the new nation, threaten embargoes, and things like that?
Personally, I think these questions are going to become more important - as has been posted elsewhere, we're deeply divided as a country and it's only getting worse. The evil political tricks practiced this last election is a sign everyone just wants to fight for power, not actually encourage democracy - things like redistricting, possibly rigged voting machines, shredding registrations, and posting threatening flyers. I don't see this healing - I think we're headed towards a split of some kind.