Originally Posted by Averett
See, I'd go with the white thigh high boots and pink g-string. Cause male strippers? Not sexy. Not in my world anyway. I'd play up the comedy angle.
lol that IS true.
Its funny, because if you go to a male strip club, it isnt rowdy, most of the guys are in a TRANCE looking at the girls, and there is ALWAYS a few guys there alone, just imagining about how the girl is in bed etc..
On the other hand, female strip clubs are loud, rowdy, and fun. Most of the females there are there for the "fun factor" not to indulge in a fantasy. They do find more humor in it, and not as much sexuality.
Oh and the reason I metioned the white boots and g-string is because a female bud of mine had a stripper dressed like that....with PERMED, long, blonde hair. It was a mix of Fabio and Richard Simmons...*shudder*
Anyway to give a real answer, dress like you usually do, do NOT wear thong, or string undwear. White, nice boxers are PERFECT. Dance CLOSE to the girl. Make SURE the music you are playing you can dance sexishy to, AND can actually dance to. Smell good. And last but not least, dont take it TOO seriously.