Originally Posted by Locs
The one point that bugs me is the "No relationship is perfect, and you need to work hard to make it last".
Bullshit. You can't fool yourself into being happy. This is an illusion.
I am NOT saying relationships are perfect bliss, but people who think if they just stay with the person, and talk more, and express themselves more, that things will go just fine after a while are in denial.
Its called lowering expectations. Its called "settling".
We are on this planet for a short time. Have fun and be happy. You cannot make someone else happy unless you are happy with yourself.
Ok, fair enough, I agree that sometimes you
are settling. But I also think that sometimes people give up way to soon. It's like adam says, you're also kidding yourself if you think it's always easy. Sometimes it's really tough and you need to be certain of what you want and whether it's right for you.
What I'm saying is that we live in such an individualistic society that it's so easy to just discard something, even a relationship...and I don't think that's a good lesson to teach.