I realize quoting yourself is probably bad form but I had this thought while browsing another post and it is really more germain to this topic.
"Has anyone in the democratic party considered that with the constant parade of candidates, spokespersons and strategists, that are the most left of all Americans, are
leaving more and more americans behind.
It takes a certain kind of myopia at best, and arrogance at worst ,that when election after election seats in congress, the senate and even the presidency are going to the Republicans to think that the Republicans are the problem. Anyone who supports a republican at all is some sort of extremist? 51-48 alone does not a mandate make. Gaining seats in congress and the senate over the last 20 years plus 51-48 and 3.5 mil gap in the popular vote is certainly worth noticing. Maybe the dems should re-examine what is extreme."
"Iron rusts with disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold water freezes. Even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind"
Leonardo Da Vinci