Originally Posted by alansmithee
I have been seeing that all the networks I know of have Ohio going to Bush, by approximately 2%. Also, 99% of the precincts are reporting at this time. But the Kerry Campaign apparently isn't conceding. Now, if it was some 10,000 votes, or even 1% I could see not wanting to give in. In 2000, many states were within 5,000 votes. I think personally that with the errors that were exposed, checking that close of a margin is just fine. But Ohio is seemingly 120,000 ahead.
Why would democrats want to repeat the 2000 mess, when the margin is not even that close? Honestly, if they really care about what's best, they should know that challenging such a large margin not only makes the country look bad, but makes the Democrats themselves look awful petty.
And if it's really about all votes being counted, they should try to get rid of the electoral college, not complain about 2% of the vote in a large state. What do other people feel about dragging this election out while lawyers litigate for the next month?
I was hoping that whoever won would just be able to concede their defeat if the voting was reasonably accurate. But I know that if the Democrats try stalling in Ohio, I can't see myself voting for another Democrat ever. What do other people think about this?
I think you are missing critical information. Unfortunately, a few posters after you didn't bother to inform you that over 200,000 provisional and absentee ballots still need to be counted. They won't be counted for over a week by Ohio law. This doesn't have squat to do with litigation.
What do you think about that?
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