Ok, Yoda's a badass, he is crazy with a lightsaber, he has force powers that are off the hizook, and he can make you wet your pants from a distance of 100 yards.
Now, Gandalf is a Maia of Manwë and Varda, kinda like a lower level
As a Maia, he had many natural abilities that would seem magical to mortal races, but he also had a great store of knowledge of more 'mechanical' magic, worked through spells and incantations, and especially through the agency of his staff. It is clear that he had far greater power, especially after his return as Gandalf the White, than he ever displayed in Middle-earth.
His magical powers seem to be particularly associated with fire, a fact that is perhaps related to the Ring of Fire, Narya, that he bore
So, lets say that Gandalf has been talking to a girl in a bar, and Yoda starts making eyes...
Seeing this Gandalf is pissed, to say the least, because he seriously thought he was gonna score.
Yoda not being one to back down from an old man,
(think Count Dooku/Saruman) and seriously thinking he can score tonight as well, asks Gandalf to step outside and settle this Maiar to Whill (Yoda's supposed species) So who wins?
Vote, discuss!
Now I want some good reasons people, and none of this "Neither, cause they both arn't real" crap, they
are real to me