..hate to admit it but i've been pretty dissapointed sexually too...
when me and biznatch first started dating there were times that he couldnt make me cum...still happens often... its hard to admit but i used to and still do get a lil annoyed at him a bit...i'm very comfortable with my body and i can easily bring myself to orgasm..but sometimes he just cant get the stroke right or something ...i've found that when hes not "rubbing right" i take over the clit and have him finger me...makes it easier..and i don't get dissapointed

..tho i do realize i shoudl spend more time "training" him to what i like...little by little i'll show him...
dont vibes decrease sensitivity?
maybe if you like start with a romantic evening..LOTS of kissing and stroking ...that way she gets very aroused..then just go gently and slow...make sure that neither of you EXPECTS her to come..and just enjoy the ride