Originally Posted by macsmith230
I listen to the show once in awhile. I love it when they're making fun of each other or celebrities or what-have-you, but when it focuses on strippers and porn starts and stuff I turn it off. Not because I'm offended, but because it's utterly stupid. Maybe the boobies translate well in a visual medium, but on the radio you can only hear, "You have such a great ass" so many times before it gets old.
I agree. I'll listen to it sometimes on the way to work. Once they parade out the women, I'll turn it off. I don't want to hear what Stern and his crew would want to do to the Babe of the Week. No thanks.
I also think he's overplayed. Was he important? Sure. Is he still? Well, he would be, but he's going to Sirius, so what relevancy will he have there? Right now his big thing is fighting the FCC. Once he moves, he won't give a shit.