OK, daswig. Lets summarize. The Republicans have led a massive campaign, ranging from
illegally challenging thousands of registrations in places like Ohio based on no evidence of fraud to
ripping up Democrat voter registration papers to
Sproul and Associates telling door-to-door workers only to return Republican registrations in various states.
I'm not familiar with the NAACP thing, but assuming it is true, that means that the ONLY evidence of Dem. voter fraud efforts is the stupid actions of one person who belongs to a non-partisan organization.
And Illinois isn't a swing state because Republicans from Jack Ryan to George Ryan have been destroyed by scandal after scandal. There are no up-and-coming Republicans in Illinois. As well, the Dems are very strong with Durbin, Emmanuel, and of course, Obama. Trust me - the voter irregularities in Illinois are limited to local elections in Chicago. Illinois went for Reagan, currently has its first Democratic governor in 20 years and currently has 1 Republican Senator. The goddam Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, is from Illinois!
Which massive fraud was it that did that? Perhaps Illinois is going Kerry because it has millions of minorities who hate being disenfranchised by a party that rarely represents their views. Perhaps because it has a proud working class tradition of voting Democrat. Perhaps because Republican candidates this year are headlined by the freak-show that is Alan Keyes. Perhaps because Democrats are much better organized in the state. Perhaps becaue Illinois has been hard hit economically during Bush's tenure. These are plausible explanations. I know it is difficult, but try to use facts. It bolsters arguments.