Originally Posted by axledr@centuryt
I'm through with that program. They got rid of the gorgious girl who was the only one who recommended a sensible campaign and the rest mutinied.
You're kidding, right?
The girl was incompetent and shouldn't have even been in the running for this job IMO. What is the number one rule,,,, give the customer what he wants. They were very specific in asking for an emotion driven campaign. Give them that. No.1 priority. Don't argue or try to talk them out of it. You don't know, maybe they gave the 'flash, bang' campaign to another agency. She never even seemed to grasp the first and only instruction. Even when it was over she kept saying it was a good campaign.
I love this show and never miss one but I can't understand for the life of me how intelligent people who are already work experienced can't even follow directions. Believe me, I'm an entrepreneur, I know that you have to think outside the box but do that while you are doing what the customer wants. If you job is to sell lemonade, come up with something unique while you are selling the lemonade, don't spend your time trying to convince everyone that selling lemonade is a dumb idea.
The other PM, the kid, didn't do a bad job. It was his first time, obviously. He needed to listen to his more experienced teammates but at least he followed instructions and he did come up with the 'When was the last time.....' line.
There's was definitely a better campaign and their team deserved to win.
Oh, and BTW, I didn't think she was 'gorgious'(sic). Jesus girl, you are interviewing to run a company for Donald Trump, get the hair out of your eyes and stand up straight. Sheeeesh.