Originally Posted by the_marq
S and the C may not have ads when it aired on HBO, but when it was run in syndication in Canada on Bravo it was full of ads. Mostly things like perfume and panty liners... female appeal obviously.
Ummm... the run on Bravo in Canada wasn't syndication. It was first run in Canada (we don't get HBO here).
Traditionally Canadian television is much more liberal than what you will find in the US. HBO shows like OZ, Sex and the City and the Sopranos are to be found on Network Free TV or Basic Cable (rather than a premium pay service such as HBO or, in Canada, TMN or Movie Central).
While Sex and the City is in syndication on TBS is edited for content (i.e. sex scenes, language and nudity). In Canada the Sopranos airs in primetime on CTV (Canada's largest private network) which would be like airing The Sopranos uncensored on say, NBC or CBS.
As for the difference between these types of shows and Victoria's Secrets... one is a drama with a well written storyline and the other is just another opportunity to ogle scantilly clad women. Not that there is anything wrong with ogling scantily clad women but you can't edit it for content as you would Sex and the City. If you did all you would have is some hosts describing scantilly clad women they couldn't actually show.