Originally Posted by zen_tom
There are many different ways to 'tune-in', and allow your subconscious to act without being suppressed in any way. Your subconscious is more acutely aware of what it wants, what other people want, and what is likely to happen than your higher brain.
However, it doesn't have a clue about social pleasantries, or an interest in anything except getting what it wants right now. If you allow it free reign, it can be a lot of fun, and you will be surprised what good judgment calls it is capable of making, it will however, get you into trouble.
I think that the age-old story of people selling their soul to the devil in return for something they desperately want is allegory for allowing your subconscious free reign. It gives you power that you may not have felt you had before. However, the nature of that power is uncontrollable, and often scares the mind into keeping a tight leash on it. Once this has happened, the ability to 'tune-in' is lost.
Witchcraft, Scientology and Aleister Crowley's Magik are techniques that bring forward the subconscious, but with mental leashes, controls if you like, of ritual and meditation. All that is actually happening is the subconscious is being brought forwards into prominence, but in a controlled and explained fashion. The controls, rituals and explanations are mostly mumbo-jumbo, but they perform the function of making the mind think it is in full control and so loosen the straps holding down the subconscious.
There are alternatives to these slightly dangerous and dubious practices; ones that wont fill your head with idiotic notions of magic, space-demons or extra-dimensional ghoulies waiting for petitions from earth. It's rubbish, nonsense, mumbo-jumbo, total and utter bollocks. There is not even the slightest chance that any of it is true. The alternatives are to learn how your mind works, perhaps practice meditation, and to simply listen to, or rather become more aware of, what your subconscious wants, what it knows, and what it understands in the world around you. But please don't think there's anything supernatural going on...this way lies pain, suffering, madness and confusion.
Just imagine what possible motives some extra-dimensional being might have to organise a foot massage JUST FOR YOU! It's laughable. Consider the possibility (if you reject the coincidental argument) that your subconscious was able to influence the other person into giving you a foot-massage. Doesn't that sound slightly more plausible? It's not as strange as it seems, animals are able to engage one another in sex with almost no verbal communication at all, isn't it likely that we might have inherited a basic level of non-verbal communication from our ancestors that is driven by our lower (subconscious) mind? Don't misunderstand me; I'm not talking about telepathy, but down to earth, simple body language.