Yeah. I think that the mental thing is there. I am 6'1 and weight in at around 340lbs (last time I weighted myself, and have come down from much heavier). I have a lot of confidence in myself in a lot of ways. I am charming and charismatic but I don't have women. Mostly because of the cliche of it's so strange that you can be so big but almost be invisable.
I walk in, I own the room. Everyone notices me not in a bad way. At the end of it I never leave with anyone. Most times it is because I don't want to. But even I bet if I wanted to go out and try and get some play that I wouldn't get any. I don't dwell on it anymore because it used to drive me crazy. I only periodically go through periods when I feel lonely in that sense and then it passes. Perhaps I've trained myself to settle for reality.
I'm sure that there are women out there who love bigger men, I've seen it. There are men who love bigger women. I guess with North America getting fatter by the year (overweight numbers rising) that pretty soon I'll be leading the charge!
Anyway, that's just a cruel joke at my expense. I don't get women because I don't go out looking for them. But even when I have attempted to start something it doesn't go anywhere at all. Maybe I just hang out with to many beautiful people