Thread: My poems/stuff
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Old 10-27-2004, 11:40 AM   #13 (permalink)
Strange Famous
follower of the child's crusade?
Today, the sky was grey and threatened
Rain which did not come

Today I went through the motions
of life and you werent there

Today I drank too much and felt sorry
For myself, somewhat ashamed

Today threatened lightening
That did not come

Today I didnt kiss you, didn't
Wake up in your arms

Today I cried, while reading a tacky
love story on the internet

And no one was there to see
It didnt mean anything.


This evening tastes like the city
On a hot summer day
This wine is the color of blood
That lives inside of me
I closed my eyes and wished that I could be
Invisible, but
You held onto me

Oh, the world could end on a night like this
Come and stand in my arms
Close to me
Oh, the world could end on a night such as this
Rest your face on my chest
Let me kiss your hair

The air tonight is humming with distant static
Like an untuned radio
The old factory tonight, it is haunted
At the back of our street
By Yesterday
I closed my eyes and wished I could be infinite
Spread out, and you touched
My arm, lightly with your
Hand, and held me together,
All bound up.

And the world could end on a night like this
Let me hold you under the stars
And let us listen
To the city and the night
And let me kiss your hair
Because the stars are still there.


posted 04 September 2004 10:11 AM
We talk less and less these days
I dont remember how it started
I dont remember the exact point
Which we started to move away
From one another.

The distance now is not so great
With an effort we could close it
Hold on tighter to each other
But every day brings greater

And you, who I lived like an only
friend, will go whichever way you
always wanted, I'm sure. I guess I'll
Be ok, It isnt your fault, Im sure
Ive always been this way.

One day, we might walk past each other
In the street, and I wouldnt speak, I
might nod a little, or just pretend not to
See. It might hurt for a second, but not
Enough to change anything.


Another sunny day, another long sunny day.
I'll never forgive you for the words you never spoke to me.
When I think of you, its always linked to geography
Here is the greenhouse, here the hall closet, here the sandpit
Where I cut my knee, you gave me iodine, I smelled booze on you
Even now I cant hate you, it hurts my heart still to think
Of you small and unprotected, but what does it mean
What good can it do, you are of no value to me now.
You still meen something, but it diminishes each day.
I'll write you a poem, because there's nothing left to say


Sky Blood Red
Raining Fire
The sun has gone out.
An atrocity of light
Purges the earth

Tears that rupture,
your heart implodes
The world was supposed
To End in a Whimper
Not a bang.

Ashes, ashes, grey vision
Unseen, a pile of
Junk that was once a home
Is now blasted ruin, shapes
That mean nothing anymore.


Imaginery scars run all directions over my skin
Like a roadmap of all the places that I've been
Here is my father, here is a broken down car
Here is my mother, here an out of tune guitar.

My eyes are damp with all the tears I've never cried
When I lost love, hope, when my baby sister died
If I could cry one last time, I would cry for you all
If you ever cried for me, if you ever cried at all

My heart feels heavy with the doubt and mistrust
One day everything will be dust.
I never wanted to be the way I am, Never wanted to be unhappy
I should have smiled more, I should have been a different me.

My neck is aching, angular, waiting for a rope
Waiting for a parting, waiting for a note
Here is my father, here is a broken down car
Here is my mother, here is an out of tune guitar
Here is my sister, here is an unused pack of cards
Here is my gravestone, here is a mirror reduced to shards
Here is my love, here is a empty burnt out hard drive
Here is my world, here is a beautiful meadow filled with summer flowers and a warm pacifice blue sky, the distant sound of children's laughter, a late afternoon sky, and a grass stained boy running happily, a butterfly, the big old tree's that line the left of here, and the boy is running happily, and now is gone.


My Love, here, inside, everywhere
My love, dressed in a little black dress
And tennis shoes, with hair
That is different colours

My love, came to me like an Angel
Which is Greek for messanger
Appeared to me like an Angel
The message was always inside of me

My love, who doesnt understand
Why helicopters fly, who
Doesnt understand why homeless people
Have nowhere to go and no one to love

I was homeless too, some of the time
I was living here, my heart
Is just a muscles that pushes the blood
Round and round my body.

My love, you are the heart of my life
I want to kiss your finger tips
I want to sit with you, and drink diet soda
And watch crappy TV shows and
you will laugh when I make fun of them

My love, how can I explain, how can
I record in words, the feeling of being
together, the syncronisity (sic) of movement
The way it feels when you rest your arm
against mine, without thinking of it.


So, just be... and be

The windows in my home
All look outwards
The desk and the telephone
Always just sit there
Sometimes I feel I'll always be alone
When you're not here

The sky in my town is always grey
Except the sun
Occasionally lights the way
Long enough to get an idea
Of a childhood unused, memories, they
Suffocate sometimes

I keep remembering you, I cant forget
The way your hair felt, when I ran
My hands across it, unthinking, The
Shape of shoulder, the exact shade
of pacific of your eyes, all these
Things mean nothing because I
am dead.


Gasping, shuddering, crying
Inside, clinging to something
That falls apart in your
Hands. Gravity will be

Screaming, quaking, dying
Silently, a blanket
replaces your soul, to
Sleep forever and never

Silence, a grey stone
Unseen, broken apart
People come to remember
But they really come here
To forget.


My love is like electric
My love is like he media
It's eveywhere

Babies are born
Thousands of times a
Day, in every land

For each baby, a light
Fot each baby, her media
his media, their

For each baby
Strange media
For each baby
Electric lights


wrapped in three layers of coat
I shiver down the garden path
Armed with a cricket stump
And the first become the last

Dead water, waiting to be reborn
Devoid of memory, knowledge.
The grass whitened by frost
The wind shouldered by the hedge

That runs by the left of me
Dead water, numb hands, heavy swing
there's something alive under here
I dont know, I dont know anything.


Days bleed into weeks
Years, I am dying
Why arent they screaming
Like me?

The sky burns with
Temporary power
So transient
So unsure

The school field
God, was it really
Twenty years ago?
Listen to the cries

Of yoy and children's games
It's always summer
The grass is hot and green
And the world was bigger

Now, as it contracts
I cannot believe the
Time has gone
I cannot tell where
The time has gone

God, was it really
Twenty Years ago? Such
Dread, excites, no words
Can tell how the sky
Looked back then
Sat in my back yard
The Trees beyond the
Neighbours fence
The Apple Tree
What does it mean
I know that it has
Gone, and it will
Never be again
And to think of it
Makes me cry, and
This is all that I
Can say


Dying, Life
Scraped Away
To Bones
And Decay

The Sky Darkens
A Storm Is
Coming, Terror
Gravity, A Kiss

A Great Velocity
Tearing From Night
Sky, The Stars Are
Bleeding, My Sight

Implodes, My Mouth
Is Full Of Worms
Cannot See, Cannot Feel
That The World Still Turns.

Cannot See, Cannot Think
Cannot Cry, Cannot Sink


The sky is spinning and tumbling
The ground is shaking and rumbling
My heart is cold and suddenly cold
My universe, my house, my world
Contract, the sea's are rising higher
The plants are all dying, the fire
has gutted everything, left only
Junk, and ashes, and nobody to see.

Grey summer, a clammering
Of noise and white against
A green background.

I can still remember
The exact texture and
Feel of your stocking

And my hand, a movie theater
Half empty, its never
Half full

My dreams I lay out before me
My castle is broken
My home is my castle
My castle is broken

I remember discoteqthes
In nylon flurescence
Sweating cheap booze

And the shape of a girl
In the eclectic night,
False dawn.

I remember the play park
Behind the shopping arcade
And 20 Silk Cut

Ultra. Still in her uniform
Jesus, would you look,
Would you look at this now?

I lay out my dreams before me
I swallow them
Drenched in sex and fear
I swallow them

Im starving for you.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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