I met a Shaman once in England, he was quite amazing. He said he knew me from a previous life, we were woodcutters in Central Europe somewhere. It became interesting when we becan talking about spirit animal guides and he asked me what his was (flicking his eyes to his shoulder). I naturally said that I wasn't particularly psychic and he said,"squint yer eyes and flick em over my shoulder." I guess an eyelash got in the way and I said,"crow". He was elated and said it was a raven, blah blah. I said he was just saying it and so to prove i was right got me to ask somebody he knew on the phone what his guide was and it seemed I was indeed correct.
I'd say that this experience may not have had any spiritual activity at all. It could very easily be the exact same trick as ' think of a flower '. 99% think "rose". His animal had to me a small creature, as deer don't fit on the shoulder quite as snugly, and everyone already associates crows or ravens with Shamen and magick.
It got interesting when my friend asked him what her spirit animal guide was and he immediately said Owl. My friend was taken aback as that was exactly was she always knew it was.
Interesting experience.
Zen Tom, I just remembered something. In Goecia (Crowley's necromancy guide) I recall that the commands/prayers that you repeat to incarnate demons and angels were to god, the power that was used to incarnate the spirits was not Satanic. This would only confirm the idea that the power is accessible to anybody, and that it is clearly not a reward of any kind. It is a current that can be tapped.
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