I cannot believe this! PC shouldn't be about this at all. I, like most other people these days, agree that calling someone "nigger" or "chink" or whathaveyou is not appropriate, and justly so. However, this is stretching it much too far. A lot of those examples are ludicrous, but it seems to me the author of the article uses such extreme examples to draw your attention to the situation. I'm not completely jaded when it comes to the idea of speaking respectfully, but in the case of rampant political correctness that much of the western world is so taken with, it seems these PC extremist groups want to erase history and replace it with a flat featureless desert of non-offensive information (if you want to call it that). But pardon me, I can't use a desert as my example, what about all those people who grew up near or in deserts? I wouldn't want to offend them.
cheers to the motherland