Thanks Zen Tom, great post! Absolutely plausable advice and commentary. (sincerely). In my mind there was no rational explanation for the foot massage. I agree, as far a demonstrations of God's glorious power it is a little lame and doesn't sound plausible. In my mind it was a demonstration of how utterly human and accessible tapping in was/is. I don't know why I was so graced as to experience this, but I am trying to demystify it, there were no angels singing or doors slamming. Jesus was not there, it was aquaintances I barely knew and the foot massage was borderline inappropriate. If you want wonders then don't think hollywood, this stuff happens every day in beautiful ways. I would agree with Zen Tom that meditation and simple spiritual pursuits are far more practical to focus on. I am simply articulating a personal experience and a personal truth, you're free to take it with salt or to heart.
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