Originally Posted by Stug
Do you mean you lost the 'gift' of talking to a higher dimension or 'lost it' as in your marbles?
Personally I'd be more willing to concede that this might be possible if you were able to demonstrate some examples/pearls of wisdom given to you by your friend Camilla.
How did she learn this? And (more importantly) if you know this to be true, then why ask other people whether they believe it or not?
Take it away Sensei...
Lol, I'm not suggesting that I am Yoda, and my sense of direction has been known to be surprisingly bad for a man.
Camilla, is not a friend that I've had indepth spiritual debate with, and strangely this experience was spiritual only in as much as it was the vehicle for manipulating the universe. I assumed that with this ability was a certain responsibility to not abuse it, and I don't think I did. To describe it further I'd say that it has to do with faith.
Religious faith is a tough thing to relate to as in some ways doubt empowers it, faith is only powerful when it's surrounded in doubt. This, on the other hand was a very innocent and unglamorous step past faith and belief - to acceptance of fact. there is no effort or active belief, it is the absence of belief that turned it into absolute certainty (passive) that it is possible. I belief that it would be just as effective whether you were Jewish, Christian or Arab. It is based on the idea of your higher self being powerful, and beyond the reach of our 'time' restraints.
I can't remember how Camilla learnt this. I learnt it when Camilla suggested she prove it to me by willing that I'd be offered a foot massage within 2 weeks of that day. It happened. I'd never been offered a foot massage before that day or since. As it was so evidently true, I understood and was then able to do it too (for a while).
Asking whether you believe it or not simply reflects the fact that I accept that many won't and I'm curious to know who does and who doesn't.