Controlling the Universe
Here's a scenario. It assumes that there is a spiritual (generic) dimension to our existance. It also assumes that time is irrelevant to that dimension. (Can you imagine Moses, Buddha or Allah checking their watches)
If it were possible to tap into that dimension (prayer, higher self, meditation or other method) and if it were possible to make known( in that dimension) desire, need or simply make a statement of fact that something were to happen, it would be possible for that desire, need etc to occur/be influenced/created beyond the confines of the human time experience.
In other words. Camilla has power to make things happen. She tells the universe that she needs money immediately. Her phone rings in an hour and she inherits money from a deceased relative. In the next 2 hours she receives 2 job orders. This sounds impossible. This is how it happens. Camilla sends a demand ticket to the crew upstairs who are not bound by earth time, they set about planting the seeds that will ultimately flower at the moment that Camilla makes the wish. The crew from the other side are putting suggestions into peoples minds, creating opportunities and setting the scene for the the ticket to be fulfilled at a particular moment, and they are reaching into past months, weeks and hours to make it happen.
This scenario is more than a story. Camilla is a real person, and she showed me that it was possible. I could do it to for about 2 years. I lived in a foreign chaotic European City for a year and lost it.
Does this sound like bollocks or are there any out there that may concede the possibility of this being true?