Prince -- Like antisuck said, I wouldn't use a server for all my distribution...I'd use a P2P filesharing protocol called bittorrent that allows users to upload pieces of a file as they download them.
Antisuck -- you make some good points. I might end up setting up one server that seeds the 10 latest files or something like that. And I know that the human problem will be the most difficult...people being too critical of others' work, people not wanting to share, etc.
I think another problem I'd run into would be deciding whether both parties in the video were consentual to the video's release. Is it against the law to publish a video in which one partner didn't consent to the distribution? And there's always that strategy some people use of asking their partner if they can publish the video WIHLE the two are having sex and the partner doesn't really care one way or the other. Also, how can we be sure these people are loading up videos of themselves and not just random porn videos?
If I could get around that huge obstacle...the one of authentication...then we'd definitely have something big on our hands