I watched this again tonight and you really do catch more than you do the first time.
Like when the characters are introduced and they get to Brick... notice he's putting MAYO in a TOASTER.
...or lines like
Bartender: "what the HELL are you doing?"
Burgendy: "I'm expressing my INNER ANGUISH through the majesty of SONG"
Lines like that.. I heard Will pretty much improvised the whole movie with lines like that. Brilliant man..
..or when Veronica calls him -
Ron: "...BAXTER? Is this you?! Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee."
Random lines like that is what makes this movie funny, although I do have to say Brick holds the crown in that area.
"Where'd you get YOUR clothes... the TOILET STORE?"
When talking about women - "I hear their menstrual blood attracts bears."
I love lamp.