After beating Final Fantasy 6 (finally!), you all recommended me to play Final Fantasy 7. I've played it before, but my memory card got deleted by my brother's ex-girlfriend right before Spoiler:
Aeris dies. So, I just got through Spoiler:
the part where you have to escape the desert prison/see Dyne commit suicide, and I have the buggy. I'm thinking of going back to the Eagle Fort and playing all the Spoiler:
mini battles before I move forward.
I dunno...I just might get my game-on at the Gold Saucer for awhile.
That's what I loved most about this Final Fantasy: all the sub-quests/games. FF6 took me little over 20 hours, but I'm not even half-way through FF7 and I've already played over 10 hours. All in all, I can't wait to (finally) beat this game, too, and move on to Chrono Trigger (which got the second-most votes next to FF7).