[I wouldn’t say:
QUOTE=LeviticusMky]Way too fake. [/QUOTE]
I would just say probably fake.
Actually it’s very well done. The convincing parts are that the story line makes since. This appears to be an accident that can happen and the victim incredibly walks away. Notice the way that the background sound of the traffic remains fluid throughout the places where some claim to be camera cuts. The victim, when he appears at the gate, seems to have real blood and his reaction is understandable and believable.
The action is believable. The trip off of the board does not seem forced or unnatural.
There are no giveaways as to a change in time that would indicate editing. By this I mean no changes in bright sunlight one moment and cloudy the next. No shadows falling in one direction in one scene and falling in another direction a moment later, no breaks in background noise.
All in all, I would give it an B+, perhaps even an A-.
The things that lead me to say fake:
1) The speed and the angle that the victim leaves the board does not seem sufficient to propel him all the way to the other building, more so, it seems like just enough to fall directly into the ally below.
2) The sound that he makes when he hits the wall sounds to me too much like what a foley artist would imagine a body to sound like when it hits a wall. My experience with hitting hard walls is that there is little sound other than my saying “opfffff.” However, the wall looked like wooden sheathing and I have no way of knowing how solid it was. It’s possible that a body thrown against a wall of this kind would make an audible noise, but I don’t think that the noise in the clip accurately captures this sound.
3) The position of the body. We see the victim clutch at the ledge before he falls. This means that the body had very little time to tumble as it fell. The body would then most likely fall feet first facing the building. The body would then fall away from the building backwards and landing face up, or if it had tumbled slightly, fallen on it’s side with the victim raising his arms to protect his head from impact. I cannot picture a scenario which would have the victim face down, parallel to the wall and his arm at his side.
4) The blood. This has already been mentioned several times. Sadly, I have witnessed an accident in which a worker fell off of a scaffolding and hit the marble floor three stories below. Because he had lost his balance and tumbled backwards, his body impacted with his body parallel to the ground and his head taking a direct hit. There was bleeding from the victims ear, but it pooled slowly. Not the intense spurt that appears after a delay like we see in the clip. However, I am not an expert on head injuries and how they bleed, but the way it appears in the clip seems suspicious.
5) The reaction of the others. This fact is the most disturbing of all and does the most to convince me of a fake. The reaction to the blood seems to come too soon, as if it were anticipated. The other reaction “What should we do?” and “We gotta’ get down there” mentioned twice seems too pat. It does not seem realistic to me for someone to see his bud fall to the ground and then say “What should we do?” I can see saying that when you get to the ground and not know how to give assistance, but to be up on the roof and not automatically assume that you’ve got to get to your buddy’s side seems a stretch. The idea of keeping the camera running and pointed in the right direction seems a bit far fetched to me also. I mean, if I fall on my head and have blood spurting out of me like a fire hose, put down the freekin camera and get to me!
6) As far as what I guess is suppose to be brains on the asphalt, well that is so far out there that I don’t even consider it a faux. It seems more like the film makers idea of a joke.
This being said, I still thought it was very well done, was very entertaining, and no, I can’t say with 100% accuracy (other than the stuff on the asphalt) that it was fake.
[Insert pithy comment here]