Hello all. Allow me to preface this with an apology for starting two new threads in such a short timespan together...I'm just REALLY horny right now and am fantasizing a lot
Anywho, back on topic: like many men here, I've watched a LOT of porn, and I'm a fan, for it's nice to just hammer away and allow fantasies to go wild. I know that real sex is much preferable, but I'm in a bad situation right now and can't get much sex with my current setup.
ANYways, as time has gone on, I've really begun to hate the porn that studios put out. I really don't like to see physically "perfect" people act in scripted porn scenes...they just don't feel very real.
I do, however, love the newer "amateur sex" porn videos that have come out. For example, the "CollegeFuckFest" line is much preferable to many of the things studios put out.
But even those CFF videos are a bit stilted and don't feel very personal. The fact that CFF asks that people pay for their vids is also a downer...one could download them from the Internet, but that's piracy.
Here's the crux of my post: what I'd like to do is start a FREE web site entirely based around amateur sex videos sent in by the site's members. We'd obviously have to have some sort of authentication technique so that the members don't send in videos of underage people having sex, but I think that it'd be a really neat idea. In terms of distribution, we could simply use the new BitTorrent technology that has recently come out.
My question to you TFP members is this: how many of you would be interested in such an endeavor? Am I just pandering to an extremely odd fetish I have that very few people share? Or is this something that might work? Could I start a site where people send in their videos for others to enjoy? I know, I know...we might get a lot of pretty gross-looking videos...but I imagine we'll get some pretty spectacular ones, for I've seen some amateur vids done very well.
So what do you think? Am I crazy, or does this have a future?
Thanks for your time!