I've only had one lucid dream that I can remember but it was seriously awesome. I've had many "close-to-lucid" dreams when I know I'm dreaming towards the end, but that usually occurs 5 seconds before I wake up. The major one I mentioned lasted a long time, however.
I was about 13 at the time. I remember falling asleep and having a dream about a bunch of kids sitting inside a crashed tractor trailer (or something like that). The kids were talking to me about something (I can't remember what) but then something told me that I was dreaming. I realized that I was sitting next to a bunch of imaginary people in an imaginary world. I told the kids, "You're not real. You're in my dreams and this is all imagined by me." The kids stared at me with a horrific look in their eyes. They said, "it doesn't matter. We're here right now, so we really exist." I told them that I could make them disappear anytime and that they didn't really exist. They got sort of upset. After arguing for a few more minutes, I said I was sorry that I had to wake up because they'd be gone. I waved bye, and right then, I woke up in real life. It was the weirdest dream I've ever had.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert