Bosefied (BO-seh-fyd) and debosefied (de or dee-BO-seh-fyd) (synonyms) adj.
Terminally unhip.
Dude, putting Bwana Dik on the stereo when we had the bowheads all ready to go was totally debosefied.
and bosea (BO-SEE)
On who is...
You bosea! Everyone knows that plaid doesn't go with corduroy.
Schweenbag (SHWEEN-BAG) n. - An unpleasant, uncool, and strange person. One who is out of place in a mildly doisgusting way.
So we asked him to dance, but he said he had two left feet and kept trying to show us what he had in is bag. What a schweenbag!
FLK - n. or adj. Mentally Challenged. From the medical slang FLK = Funny Looking Kid
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.