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Old 10-21-2004, 04:59 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Knoxville Tn
I don't know, some of the above entries (ignoring the original) seem pretty basic.

Seeing as how this is one of the main things which can make my job a living hell (besides the users of course), here's what I'd go with:

1. Sign them up for every spam / normal mail garbage / polls / and any other form of communication which would end up sending as much useless information about some or other product ( only $19.95) to every phone#, and address for them and their family members.

2. Start an advertising campaign on TV and billboards showing their faces, and what exactly what they do for a living with the above said addresses and phone#'s on it.

3. Their new full-time job with mandatory 20 hours of overtime a week would be to go out and fix anyone's computer who has been infested with spyware personally for $6.00/hr (Let's just call it community service).

4. Seize any form of payment they received for coming up with / implementing / spreading the software to begin with and use it to educate computer users of what exactly Spyware is, how to get rid of it, and why not to click on every 'Yes' button they see on the internet for free software to begin with.

5. Their (and their family's) houses / vehicles / etc. are 'upgraded' by wall papering advertising everywhere. Said advertising may be replaced at any time 24/7 at the whim of anyone who has ever had to deal with Spyware (This should be seen as an 'enhancement to normal service').

I happen to be in the technical support industry, and spyware causes a greater percentage of issues on client computers than even illiterate computer users (amazing, I know).
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