Who I am against:
-He reminds children of the Ent, Treebeard, from TLOTR: The Two Towers.
-His stance on the Viet Nam war was very progressive and showed he has a lot of courage and character.
-He has an excelent chance of beating Bush.
-I agree his stance on Sexual Preffrence Freedoms (gay/lesbian).
-His wifes katsup blows my mind.
-I would go drinking with him any night of the week. He seems like, in person (ouside of his presidential duties), he would be very kick back.
-His views on birth control coincide with my own.
-Saddam is no longer to hurt the innocent Iraqi people, and Bush is responsible for his removal.
-Bush knows that every healthy president in history has been very popular, so he stays in shape and gets plenty of exercise (think JFK, or Clinton). I honestly respect him for that.
-he did not cost Al Gore the election in 2000, despite what a lot of people whould have you believe.
-His running has paved the way for other independant runners to slide into the 2 party system we are currently under.
-He has the balls to go on record against things like corporate war profiteering, corporate-managed globalization, and 'the criminal injustice system and the need to open wider the civil courts to defrauded or wrongfully injured people presently denied justice'.
- Coob and LaMarche are calling for an immediate withdrawal of US military from Iraq. Green Party foreign policy is based on non-violence, diplomacy, respect for the democratic process, and the protection of human rights.
-Complete, 100% healthcare for all US citizens.
-I agree in supporting renewable energy sources.
-Education instead of incarceration. Total education in order to lower the crime rate.
Remember, ther are over 70 candidates total.