My sister claims she's heard a parody song of Billy Jean done by Eminem on the radio. She quoted some of the lyrics and I think they were "Boys in jeans are not my lovers/Theres just this girl who says that I touched her son!/But I touched no one!" and "Mother always told me be careful what you do/Don't go around touching young boys parts!" or some shit like that. I haven't heard it but it sounds ridiculously stupid. But she thinks it's really funny. I doubt doubt it could make me chuckle but I wish he would stop wasting his time and talent on bullshit songs and litter his albums with them.
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project
It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys!  - Asta!!