I had the same situation going on that you did about 2 years ago. Me and a friend of 15 years started hanging out a lot, just real friendly like. Then, one night after a football game we were talking, and boom we were on the couch making out like nothing else mattered. That relationship lasted about 3 months before it just blew up. Over a year goes by and we don't speak, and I really just hate life because I not only lost a girlfriend who I loved very much, but one of the best friends I'd ever had. Then, one day my friend hands me his phone with her on it and within seconds we're back together. I can now say I'm in the happiest relationship anybody could probably ever be in. Dating a friend can be a great thing, just take things slow... maybe jump to the whole friends with benefits thing first before really committing. That's always a fun thing to do... let's you test the waters a little bit before you dive on in