Find a way to start up a conversation about cheating. I would talk about someone I know whose spouse cheated on them and see where the conversation goes. Through this let her know how he would feel if he was in the same position and hope that she either comes clean or stops persuing the fantasy.
One way or another, she has to confess. This is a problem (that she cheated before, not the fantasy) that will only grow in your friend's mind until it explodes. They won't be able to heal and move on without catharsis.
If their marriage has some problems, if she has some issues with him then they can discuss it and work to correct it. Otherwise whatever is making her look outside of their relationship for fulfillment will most likely continue and intesify until everytime she is out of his sight he will be thinking "Is someone fucking my wife right now? When I touch her, does she wish it were someone else?"
I have been cheated upon before. It never goes away. You either work to get past it together, or end the relationship and recover.
I. Lykwen Gerlsartopolous