Big Julie nailed it. Whether you feel sorry for someone or not, I could care less. Its the exploitation of the homeless that is why these kids should be dealt with. For two reasons. 1) Taking advantage of ones personal situation, is morally, ethically, and legally wrong. Its basically blackmail. Sure they could've said no, but their predicament dictates that they would not give up a chance for what was being offered. You go up to these same people, offer them the same offering to kill another homeless guy, you'll probably have a similar success rate. Oh wait, they could've said no so its ok. Bullshit. Whether you agree with how, why, or who got these people to be in the place in life that they are, it doesn't matter. 2) These videos send out a wrong message. Sure there are plenty of garbage out there to rot our youths minds, and I will agree with most they all have a right to be out there. Parents responsibilities and social responsibilites I'm not going to discuss. But this particular series of videos give the message that these "bums" aren't people and should treated as such. And that I will not agree with.
These kids are not going to do hardtime, nor will they be punished severly at all. So the little scare that they are getting right now will do them some good. Maybe next time they'll think a little before they do something like this.
"We got no food, no clothes...our pets HEADS ARE FALLIN' OFF!"