Originally Posted by coash
should I answer this to this nickname or to Emma-Leigh from ironmagazineforums
there are variables happening all at once post workout. something providing a certain benefit may prevent another benefit from happening. no doubt milk has plenty of benefits, but we are talking about the post workout window. priority p/o should be heighten the spike so the whey hits the bloodstream quickly so protein synthesis can start. you drink milk p/o you're not maximising your opportunity, regardless of all the goodies milk contains. yea don't plagiarise.
pardon my laziness, maybe if i didnt have the vocabulary of a 10 year old then i would write something up for myself.
anyhow casein allows IGF-1 to maintain its binding capacity & structure whereas IGF-1 would normally undergo significant denaturation by the time it hits the blood. this quality tends to counterbalance & even supercede its slow absorption & processing. [