Originally posted by gov135
Just to have some fun with Peetster, and cause there are two sides to every coin:
Conservative viewpoint: Stamp on peoples civil rights.
Like the right to keep and bear arms. Or the right to choose the best school for your kids. Or the right to go to whatever church you want. That's not stomping.
Support initiatives that take your taxpayers money and give it to various religious groups. Take taxpayer money and give to corporations in the form of taxbreaks, while not receiving guarentees they will stick around. Always support corporate interests over the interests of the environment. Women should not choose, our God has chosen for them. Medicare and Social Security and other social programs are not worth strengthing. Instead, we'll let you buy jetskis through tax cuts.
Here you are clearly confusing liberal/conservative with Democrat/Republican. John F. Kennedy was staunchly conservative, especially fiscally, and a Democrat.
Liberal viewpoint: Protect civil rights. Religion has no place in government, our founders knew this two hundred plus years ago.
Seperation of Church and State does NOT mean religion has no place in government. Our founding fathers only wanted to prevent what was an entrenched, State sponsored religious arm of the British government. If you read any body of work by any of the founding fathers you will find that religion had everything to do with the creation of this country.
Women are powerful and smart. Infrastructure and education will help America, not the CEO of a firm. The less fortunate are capable and ready, and will be helped but not kept on the public till. Education is a right. Medicare and Social Security are important to our elderly.
Of course women are powerful and smart. You can find clear examples of female leadership across the entire political spectrum. The 'less fortunate" fall into two groups. Some are capable and ready, but I suggest that many more are not. It's too easy living on the handouts. Education has been totally mismanaged by the government. The public school system is an expensive joke. Large government programs always wind up costing more than they benefit.
And Peetster, I hate more than anything conservatives that claim they are on the side of the little guy like a policeman or teacher. Why is it that both the policeman and teacher's union historically support and vote Democrats? Cause thats who looks out for the little guy and their families, while conservatives cut deals with corporations and stay rich.
Hate is a poor way to deal with contradictory statements. Again, I carefully worded my opinions avoiding the terms Democrat and Republican. They are not synonymous with Liberal and Conservative. Socialist styled programs always look like a good deal to the 85% of the population that pay 15% of the total tax bill. It's the 15% of the population, paying 85% of the tax bill, that start businesses, create jobs and move the economy forward. If my tax bill were halved, I would immediately hire five more people. That's five new jobs. That's far better than the government hiring five more civil servants, don't you think?