Im just curious, espcially to hear from the girls. Me and my SO have been together for a few months now and everything has been great. The only thing that i have noticed is that when we have sex she is very quiet. At first i thought it was becuase she was jsut uncomfortable to make noise or didnt wnat to wake anyone up, but as time has gone by we have been alone in my house and still she makes little noise. I know that it isnt a problem of not wanting to have sex, because shes the one that initiates sex the majority of the time so i know that she like having sex its just wierd because shes so quiet that i dont know it shes enjoying it as much as i am. I am not th noisiest person by any stretch but I really loved it when my previous partners really made some noise letting me know that i was doing something or hitting something that made them want more. Just wanted some thoughts from the ladies on why this may be...