Do you think you should have the right to end your own life?
Hi...I was watching Law & Order and saw thins one episode over the legality of ending your own life...if a friend/family member/etc... had an uncureable disease and would always be in pain and wanted to end his/her life then would you support that decision?
I know that if I had something and it was painful everyday and all the things the doctors tried did not work and if they ran out of ideas then I would probably want to end my life...Would you really want to see a friend or family member go thru every minute of every day in pain that doctors could not cure?
I mean ppl say that it is wrong to kill but if you were in so much pain everyday wouldn't YOU want to end it right then and there? Wrong to kill and letting yourself slip away without taking meds or getting off lifesupport would be the same as murdering yourself and murder is wrong...but then if you or the person doesn't do it then s/he's stuck with agonizing pain...
Law & Order gets me thinking on a lot of issues...pretty good any of you watch it? Would do you think about ending your life...should you have the right to end it? I think you should ONLY if the doctors have depleted all other options or if the option means more pain and/or a great risk of even more damage...What do you guys think about the subject?
- Undercover_Man