I guess the strictly organized religion is what gets me in the worst way. I realize that there are guidelines, and in my case, I get those ideas from the Bible. As much as people would like to believe that the Bible doesn't relate to todays' society, I would respectfully disagree. I believe that God, in his sovereigness knew all, knows all, and will know all, and always has. The things in the Bible relate to us today, and it acts as the map to life. There HAS to be some give on many things, simply because it doesn't work for there NOT to be. On some things, there isn't much, if any give, and that's OK too. What I mean is simply, some things are black and white, and there is no grey area. Other things there is some grey area.
I don't know...I'm tired now, and am going to talk in circles.
Generally speaking, if you were to get what you really deserve, you might be unpleasantly surprised.