Personally, I train to become familliar with the practical aplication of the products that I make and sell- never take a knife to a gunfight is pretty standard, and I own several guns, and an assault rifle for good measure- That said, however, Swords are an effective killing impliment in close quarters- say ten feet or less- beyond that you are S.O.L.- being a diabetic who's eyes can be great one day, and crappy the next, I have not the best luck with firearms, and as I sell swords for a living, they are everywhere around the house, there is literally one or more in every room, within easy reach- also adding to this equation is the fact that in my house, most of the rooms are fairly small, and except for the stretch from the far end of the living room to the front door, there is no where that I cannot cover in one lunge- (yes I have checked) those points factored in, the current plan for home defence is for the wife to grab the ak-47 while I grab my sword and short handled battle axe- I can huck the axe with fair accuracy, and even a hit with the handle will cause problems for most anyone- at that point I should be close enough that i can disarm any potential threats (literally)
Also to consider, While a gun is a far more efficient weapon if you are proficient, even trained law enforcement only scores about a 40% hit rate with firearms at 20 feet or less during stressfull real world situations- lately been talking with a friend that runs the local Close Quarter Combatives class- trains swat, and military along with people off the street- they use airsofts to simulate real world situ's and he said that it is amazing how one can miss ( and how even well trained people do) even at real close ranges- for this reason I belive that anyone seeking to use a gun for home defense should learn retenion techniques, as well as train for CQB conditions- as to the case you cite- what fucking idiot takes a sword to a fight- any advantage you might have is eliminated when your opponent starts shooting at you from 100 feet away- or just jumps his car and runs you the fuck over - To sum up I belive that musashi was right when he suggested that the best weapon to have in a fight was the one best suited for the situation-
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens