Thanks to all of you who took the time to read my post and comment.
Shakran: As I said in the post, it was my sis asking
for my BIL why we haven't had my mom and step-dad to our house. It wasn't supposition, I should have said he was sitting right there when she said it. It's not an "end-of-the-world" type situation, just an uncomfortable one that is new to us and that we don't quite know how to deal with. I'm not going to spend my "whole life" worrying about it and I can easily "let it go". I was hoping for some constructive advice as to how to diplomatically approach and deal with the situation without causing strife between the two couples.
Pinkie: We would have an argument for the ages trying to debate that one!
cj22009 and exizdelfuego: Both of you gave good advice in that we should just be honest and straightforward. Our problem is that we (hubby and I) are both non-confrontational and my sis and her new hubby are both pretty bull-headed, opinionated and overly sure of themselves (not in a really bad way, if that makes sense, more in a immature, youthful, cocky way). They have no compunction about saying anything whereas hubby and I go out of our way to never make waves about 95% of the time.
I guess there's no easy way to deal with this situation. My sis is 5 yrs. younger than me and yet acts/treats me like she's the elder. Given our difficult lives growing up with our mother, we both thankfully turned out fairly well adjusted but completely different. I love my sis but hubby and I are like sheep to their wolves (her and her hubby). It's all very frustrating.
Is there such a thing as sibling couples counseling?!